Geographies of the New Economy

Geographies of the New Economy: critical reflections (2007), a book that I co-edited with Peter Daniels, Mike Bradshaw and Jon Beaverstock,  is now available in paperback through Routledge’s print-on-demand service.  While at $44 it’s much cheaper than the hardback (which is priced at an eye-watering $130) it still seems expensive for a paperback (well in the UK at least due to the collapse of the £ against the $!), especially when the point of POD is to lower costs by preventing the over production of books in the first place.  Nevertheless, given the subject of the book it’s appropriate and welcome that it is now available in a new format and at a lower price through the application of digital technoogy.


Peter Daniels, Andrew Leyshon, Mike Bradford and Jon Beaverstock (Eds) (2007) Geographies of the New Economy: critical reflections, Routledge, London

Andrew Leyshon, Roger Lee and Colin Williams (Eds) (2003) Alternative Economic Spaces, Sage, London

Andrew Leyshon, David Matless and George Revill (Eds) (1998) The Place of Music, Guilford, New York

Andrew Leyshon and Nigel Thrift (1997) Money/Space: geographies of monetary transformation, Routledge, London


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